Change Company / Business Name Online in India

Change Business Name

  • Compliance
  • Change Business Name

Business Name Change

A company is a separate legal entity and if one wants to change its name, one has to make changes in the other legal agreements like MOA & AOA of the company. The name of a company can be changed by passing a special resolution of the shareholders of the company and by receiving the approval of ministry of corporate affairs (MCA). By changing the name of an existing company, a new company or entity cannot be formed. So,

the change in the name of company would Not:

  • - 1.Affect the rights or obligations of the company.
  • 2.Make any legal proceeding by or against the company defective.

The proceedings that are pending would not get affected. The company can continue them with the old name.

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Benefits of Business Name Change

  • In the case of mergers and acquisitions. When two companies become one, they have to adopt one of the old names, combine the two or develop a new name.
  • Times change and business names change with them - meaning that whenever a company recognizes that the landscape of the industry changes it might have to change its core business and with it its name.
  • A Change of Name might be part of a change in Corporate Branding Strategy. For Example, a company might decide to compete on the lowest price in the industry and change their name to a name that highlights good value for money.
  • Sometimes names could be much easier and consumer friendly (especially for internationally expanding companies where language barriers might cause problems).
  • Company names are subject to fashion and might therefore have to be changed (think for example of the bubble. After the bubble burst, many companies changed their name to names less associated with the digital hype. In more recent years there has been a tendency to "become Greener" which has been reflected in the names of several companies around the world.

Procedure for Business Name Change

STEP:1 Hold a meeting of Board of Directors of the company

STEP:2 Name Availability and its approval

STEP:3 Hold an Extra – ordinary general meeting

STEP:4 Documents Preparation

STEP:5 Forms preparation and filing on MCA portal

How we help with Company Name Change

We complete the secretarial jobworks for over 1000 companies and LLPs every month with a small team, by leveraging our tech capabilities. Come on board and experience convenience.

  • Advisory:- A Business Expert will review the present and proposed name of company and the Articles of Association to understand the background of the company prior to beginning the process. The review would take 1 - 3 working days
  • Customer Score: - A Business Expert will review the present and proposed name of company and the Articles of Association to understand the background of the company prior to beginning the process. The review would take 1 - 3 working days.
  • 160 STRONG TEAM: - Our team of experienced business advisors are a phone call away, should you have any queries about the process. But we'll try to ensure that your doubts are cleared before they even arise.
  • Filing: - Once the Board Resolutions are passed, our Experts will prepare and file the necessary documents with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Required Document to Business Name Change

  • Copy of special resolution passed in the EGM
  • Copy of altered Memorandum of Association and Article of Association of the
  • Minutes of General Meeting
  • Authorization letter
  • Notice of EGM, copy of special resolution and copy of altered MOA and AOA
  • Note: At All the documents should be in Pdf format.

How long time it will take?

It usually takes around 3-4 working days in total to change a company name on the Companies

Questions About Service

Yes, it is compulsory to make changes in MOA and AOA of the company if one is changing its name.

No, the change in the name of a company does not make any legal proceedings by or against the company defective.

No, a change in the company's name does not affect the rights and obligations of the company.

Yes, when one makes changes in the name of a company, it is important to receive the approval of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).

Yes, to change a company's name one needs the approval of its shareholders.