Legal Dev Online Trademark Renewal Service Provider in India

Trademark Renewal Applications

  • Trademark
  • Trademark Renewal Applications

Securing Your Brand: A Comprehensive Guide to Trademark Renewal Applications

The increased competition in the market has resulted in businesses taking steps to ensure they stay one step ahead of the others. You must also make your business unique and different from the others offering the same products/services. Getting a trademark can aid in distinguishing your business from others. Trademark refers to using a unique design, symbol, phrase, or word in your business that can distinguish your business from others.

You can use the trademark as the business identity or as a part of the trade logo or name. You must register a trademark to get the necessary legal protection. However, not using the trademark for a long time or not renewing it within the specified time can lead to the abandonment of the trademark. You can complete trademark renewal online with assistance from experts.

With the best trademark renewal online India services from Legal Dev, you can get the trademark name, logo, symbol, or label. It complies with the Trade Marks Act passed in 1999. You must complete the renewal process within six months of your trademark expiry date. Failing to renew the trademark within the suggested six months after the expiry date can lead to removing your business trademark from the Register of Trademarks.

Trademark Renewal

Questions About Service

You can get exclusive rights for intellectual property, words, or symbols with trademark registration. However, trade mark renewal helps continue the use of the trademark and the ownership of the words, symbols, or inventions.

No, trademark registration does not last forever. You must apply for Trademark Renewal after ten years. When you fail to renew the trademark, it gets removed from the register. It allows others to claim the trademark name or symbol and register it in their name.

Failure to complete Trade Mark Renewal Online can lead to the expiration or termination of the trademark registration. You must take assistance from the experts to submit the necessary documents and payment to complete the renewal process. Trademark expiration can lead to restarting the application procedure from scratch to get the protection of the trademark.

A registered trademark can expire after ten years. You must apply for trademark renewal after ten years to keep the business trademark permanent. It is possible to apply for renewal of a trademark online or offline with the assistance of experts. You must consider applying for trademark renewal within six months of the expiry of the trademark registration.

Legal Dev has a reputation as the best trademark renewal Provider who can simplify the complicated process. We can offer guidance to renew the trademark without facing difficulties. Our experts have the skill and expertise to provide information regarding the steps needed to complete the renewal process without delay.