Every person likes to generate a good income for a comfortable life. Apart from working, you may also use other options to generate money every month. People owning additional houses can rent them out to others to get extra money. Earning from rental income has become a common source of passive income. However, you must maintain caution while choosing tenants. Irresponsible tenants can make your life a nightmare. When dealing with such tenants, you may wish to vacate them from the premises. You can send an eviction notice to prompt the tenants to vacate premises of the rented property.
It is the formal intimation providing insight into the landlord’s intention. It can also give the tenants time to find a new place to stay. A legal notice can work well unlike other options.
We assist landlords send legal notice tovacate premises. It is the ideal step to take when you have a bullying tenant. Such tenants may not vacate the premises without causing a nuisance to the landlord. In India, such situations have more prevalence. It requires legal intervention to vacate the tenant who stays forcefully on the premises.
A landlord can exercise the right to repossess their property to evict the tenant by filing a suit. We can provide guidance to send a notice to the tenant that will help you legally.