Wind up /close One Person Company (OPC) in India

Expert Close One Person Company Consultant with Legal Dev

A One Person Company (OPC) is a type of company in India that has only one shareholder as its member. It is a relatively new form of business entity introduced in the Companies Act, 2013.

In case aClose One Person Companydown its operations, it must follow the prescribed procedures under the Companies Act, 2013. The process of Closure of OPC in India is known as "winding up" of the company. It can be done either voluntarily or by an order of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT).

To voluntarily wind up an OPC, the owner must pass a resolution for winding up, followed by obtaining the consent of at least two-thirds of the creditors in value. The OPC must then file an application for winding up with the Registrar of Companies (ROC). The ROC will then appoint a liquidator who will oversee the distribution of assets among creditors and shareholders.

One Person Company

Streamlined One Person Company (OPC) Closure Process with Legal Dev

Legal Dev is a professional service provider that can assist Wind-Up One-Person Company in India. The OPC winding up service provided by Legal Dev can help the owner of the OPC comply with legal formalities and complete the closure process smoothly.

Overall, Legal Dev's Wind Up OPC Company Service can help the owner of the OPC navigate the complex legal requirements and procedures involved in the closure process, and ensure that all necessary steps are taken to comply with legal formalities and obligations.

Following is a list of some of the documents required for Winding up One Person Company in India:

  • Board resolution

  • Affidavit: Consent of the creditors(Voter ID or Driver license, or Passport)

  • Appointment of liquidator: Liquidator's report(Bank statement or electricity bill or telephone bill)

  • Contact Information and Email IDs of the Directors

  • NOC from tax authorities

  • Application for winding up

  • Proof of identity and address

Efficient One Person Company (OPC) Winding Up Services with Legal Dev in India?

Legal Dev is a professional service provider that can help you with all aspects of theClose One Person Company Service to ensure that the closure is completed efficiently and legally. Our team of legal experts has extensive experience in assisting clients with the OPC Closure Process, and we can help you navigate the complex legal requirements and procedures involved in the process.

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